What Do We Trust????

I happen to see this movie Talvar on 6th October 2015. I went for it with a feedback from a friend.
But contrary to my perception and his review, this movie impressed me to a greater extent.

After a long time, I saw a influential movie like this. The movie is a perfect example of a brilliant artefact, extremely riveting screen play and flawless direction.

I would not like to talk about the movie but rather about the inferences I drew from the movie. I saw the movie the way it was intended to ( like a dramatic imagery ) and it put me in an unusual thinking mode or rather disturbed me.

 Talking about the case of Arushi Talwar , it was a double homicide case .

It brought a plethora of questions to my mind about everything that keeps happening around us.
The cost being paid by a family and its cruel suffering due to sheer system negligence giving it a name of honor killing. It raises many doubts about the credibility of the system which is the ultimate authority who decides for the life and death of a person. There are so many versions of the case floating in the upper air and so many things are written about in every form of social media.

What do we trust??

People constantly twist and turn themselves out of shape, reasons that makes us chase all that is not important. Some feel they are building better bonds and playing politically justified roles on one hand and on the other hand there is a devastation of somebody’s hope and choice towards righteousness. Some of the things in the movie are shown to be so manipulated that it becomes difficult to envision that the reality could be taken so many miles away.

The case roughly went on for more than 2 years. This unknowingly or knowingly stimulated me to relate  it to my interior – construction project. For instance, the project is progressing and the client is kept updated about its development. The project goes through its own phases, with its own pace and a certain deliverable does not turn out as expected for “xyz” reasons and then there is an escalation from the client. The management decides to appoint a new authority and tries to resolve the issues. Only if this whole jugglery is done cautiously, facts are not compromised, egos are kept aside, existing ground team is motivated, mistakes are highlighted - rectified in the most judicious ways, only then the project WINS or else if just remains a deliverable, a long pending one. The project does come to an end one or the other day like it had to but there lies a lot in the whole approach and the after effects of the project.

Arushi Talwar case suffered misfortune in more than one ways.

Right from the crime scene being compromised, negligence in carrying out the prime investigation, death of the prime suspect, sound test findings, changing of the internal authorities, professional rivalries, decoyed officers for personal benefits, the disparity between the rick and the poor, greed, fatality – loyalty, salacious anecdotes and the insatiable media , the case has it ALL.

Never mind who killed Arushi Talwar ,we have brutally murdered her character..

There was a reconciliation of the case taking it towards the closure. Just under the pretext of lack of evidence (though official and admissible ones), the guilt and the guilty could not be identified or wrongly identified.

Nobody knows if the investigation was guided or misguided in the real sense. Sometimes people and evidences turn out to be so deceptive!!

Many people have generalized their opinion about the system by reacting saying that things will not change and justice to the victim will always takes a backseat in India.

The fact remains that there are lot of loop holes in the system and being corrupt or demeaning somebody else is growing to be so casual that the difference between the morality and immorality has become insignificant.

The pursuit  is : was it the case of  Denied, Delayed or partially delivered justice??

The question still remains.....What do we trust??


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