Travel Read Eat Chill
Swinging in a windy balcony of a high rise, looking at the hovering air crafts on one side, watching one of the best turf horse racetrack, wondering how peaceful the temple overseeing the Arabian Sea appears, gaping at the inspiring skyline of Mumbai and the massive open air laundry on the other side, I wonder how travelling, reading, eating and relaxing are intertwined. Moment Of Introspection This is by far the best connect I have come across. There is a strong friendship force that connects these three words especially the way it opens our mind to explore the lifestyle or culture of a certain locality. Travel Good – Try to be more than a tourist Travel is the best form of leisure. It not only opens your mind to the world outside but also influences your outlook towards life. Pull out the advantage of introspecting while your travel. The joy of travelling to a place can only be harnessed if the soul of the place is touched and if one is able to le...